Fan Fiction… Emperor of Zero 8 Oct 2018 Emperor of Zero is a Zero no Tsukaima/Familiar of Zero fic in which Louise summoned Napoleon Bonaparte instead of Saito, resulting in a story that focuses more on politics and…
Fan Fiction… The Force Awakens Our Imagination 25 Sep 2018 Boba Fett vs Han Solo A Hero Is Only As Cool As His Villain Everybody wanted to see this in the TFA, but then I guess the movie was long…
Fan Fiction… Haruhi Suzumiya: Meet the Suzuimiyas 22 Sep 2018 Meet the Suzuimiyas is an obvious choice. Kyon's family is moving away, much to the crushing disappointment of the entire SOS Brigade. It seems unavoidable, but a last-minute change in…
Fan Fiction… The Legend of Korra: Icarus and the Sea 18 Sep 2018 Icarus and the Sea. It does a really good job of portraying Varrick and Zhu Li's relationship which I think is pretty impressive since Varrick especially seems tricky to write…
Fan Fiction… Avatar: the Last Airbender: Gilded Green 17 Sep 2018 Gilded Green is an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic about how the Dai Li capture and brainwash Lu Ten after the Battle of Ba Sing Se. The brainwashing is chilling…
Fan Fiction… Harry Potter, The Jedi That Would Not Die 15 Sep 2018 Synopsis Three Jedi come to Earth on an exploration mission and accidentally land on the Hogwarts front lawn. What happens when some of our favourite students encounter the wonders and…
Fan Fiction… Star Wars – Reflection 27 Aug 2018 By Fyre. Synopsis Leia still remembered darkened cells, probe droids, heavy, metal hands on her shoulders as she was forced to watch Alderaan burn. She remembered Hoth. She remembered Cloud…
Fan Fiction… Friendship is Optimal 8 Aug 2018 Written by Iceman: Friendship is Optimal is about I developing an MMO called Equestria Online run by an AI called CelestAI that's programmed to satisfy people's values with friendship and…
Fan Fiction… Night’s Favoured Child 12 Jul 2018 Written by Municipal Engines: Night's Favored Child a MLP alternate universe fic in which Nightmare Moon won against Celestia long ago and rules Equestria, which hasn't seen the sun in…
Fan Fiction… Narnia: Chanson de Geste 8 Jul 2018 LVDB is my all-time favorite, a Narnia fanfic that presents a more realistic view of Narnia based on medieval history and politics and focuses on the ghost of the White…